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Hello there! 😃 My name is Florencia Asciutti and I’m a creative from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I’ve been many things through my career: a fashion designer, a community manager and a digital marketing agent. I’m currently studying to become a UX Designer, a discipline I find extremely fascinating because it combines two things I’m passionate about: people & design ❤️.

On my free time I love playing videogames, writing, taking photographs and playing dress-up with my wardrobe 😊.

My favorite color is anything resembling autumn 🍂 think mustard yellow and shades of oranges. Favorite movie? Favorite tv show? Those change ALL THE TIME. How can you people set yourselves onto 1 thing? 😛


Main UX Education: Coderhouse.

Additional courses on: Udemy, Skillshare, Crehana.

Previously a Fashion Designer (bachelors degree).

Past & current workplaces:

Carrefour Argentina: Sr Fashion Designer.

Cognizant (Google project): Sr Optimizations Agent.

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